Weight loss is hard. Many people claim, “It’s calories in versus calories out that counts” …as if our bodies are math equations rather than complex ...
Flexible spending accounts (FSAs) are governed by the Internal Revenue Service’s use-it-or-lose-it rule, meaning any unused funds in your account at ...
Whether he’s your partner, father, brother, son, or friend, men often avoid discussing their feelings. He might feel like he’s a burden for sharing ...
After nine months, your baby is finally in your arms. It's the end of one chapter and the beginning of another. Breastfeeding is natural but it ...
Over 99% of human DNA is identical. However, a small part of your DNA makes you the unique person that you are. You know that your hair and eye colors ...
Finding out a loved one has cancer can be devastating. It leaves you shocked and concerned about the best way to support them. Remember that there's ...
The adage goes “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,” and any of our doctors will tell you it’s absolutely correct. While we can’t prevent ...
We demand a lot of athletes. They need to be committed, goal-oriented, flexible with challenges, and smart with training. A burden that looms over ...
When it comes to exercise, you’ve hit your stride. Not only do you have a routine you love, you’re also a pro at goal setting. Then—out of nowhere—you ...
Who needs physical therapy? You might think of an accident victim with whiplash or a college athlete with an ACL tear. But physical therapy handles ...
Swimmers ear is an irritating condition that can affect anyone, although it’s most common in children. When moisture enters the ear canal and gets ...
The baby formula shortage has gone from an inconvenience to a national crisis quickly. Relief could be weeks away and, in the meantime, doctors are ...