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Psoriasis is an unpredictable disease that affects millions of people in the United States and across the world. This skin condition occurs when skin cells build up on the body and form dry, scaly, and itchy patches. The patches are usually red in color and often occur on the knees, elbows, and scalp.

Psoriasis is an immune system disorder wherein the body’s immune system sends faulty signals to skin cells telling them to grow too quickly. New cells form in days rather than weeks and the body can’t keep up with shedding the excess skin.

Ogden Clinic Treatment for Psoriasis

A chronic disease of the immune system, psoriasis cannot be fully cured. Most people with psoriasis have it for life. The good news is that it can be controlled; teaming up with an experienced dermatologist like those at Ogden Clinic offers great outcomes for people with psoriasis.

Ogden Clinic dermatologists and their staff can help psoriasis sufferers reduce the signs and symptoms of their condition. Treatment can drastically improve a person’s quality of life — some have even achieved completely clear skin. A few options for psoriasis patients include:

Topical prescriptions with acids that exfoliate the buildup of skin cells and plaque
Topical steroids that help decrease inflammation and relieve itch
Tar ointments and shampoos to help slow the cell growth for some
Oral drugs are sometimes prescribed combined with other methods
Light therapy is another psoriasis treatment option
Our dermatologists also encourage patients to take an active role in their treatment. By proactively managing the disease, you can reduce its affects on your quality of life!

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